The Cobblestone Collective

Online Workshops for Teachers and Students

The Vision

The Cobblestone Collective was innudated with support requests and hours of admin work to collate information between ActiveCampaign and Woocommerce.

By customizing a few Woocommerce templates to streamline the checkout and order confirmations, we were able to reduce support emails.

In addition, a new API integration was created to push additional checkout fields to sync customer data to ActiveCampaign, which eliminated time-consuming task of collating spreadsheets.


Plugin Customization, API Integrations

Customized Plugins

  • Events Calendar Pro
  • WooCommerce

Tech Highlights

Custom ActiveCampaign Integration and Checkout Experience

  • Push custom checkout fields to ActiveCampaign
  • Add tag to ActiveCampaign contact if user registers for a partner event and signs up to the partner email list.
  • Hide address fields as there is no payment necessary.

Additional checkout fields linked to AC integration

Customized Templates

Since Cobblestone Collective offers free workshops and not paid products, they needed customized checkout, order confirmation and email confirmations with copy to provide the clearest user experience.

Registration confirmation


  • Saved the company 5-10 hours per week from manual work with custom ActiveCampaign integration
  • Reduced repetitive customer service emails with customized confirmation text and emails
  • Space to EXPAND and increase impact to host more workshops without having to hire more people
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